Development Nous will be closed from Thursday 22nd December and

 returning Wednesday 11th January 2023.

Rachel Landon

BE(Hons) Civil CMEngNZ CPEng IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer Lead 3 Waters Engineer

Rachel is a Chartered Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in project delivery. Rachel is Principal 3 Waters Engineer for Development Nous where she helps to lead the Civil Engineering team with other chartered and senior staff.

Rachel takes an active interest in the management of community assets, and is particularly interested in the linkage between policies, strategies and how infrastructure is procured.

Rachel is detail orientated with a passion for technical writing, she enjoys taking complex, technical information and translating it for people with non-technical backgrounds.

Prior to joining Development Nous Rachel and husband Kelvin founded boutique Structural Engineering firm DesignPhase and which has been a leading Hawkes Bay company for the last 12 year. Rachel and Kelvin merged DesignPhase with Development Nous in 2022.


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