Raupare Gardens
In 2018 Development Nous undertook a Subdivision application of Industrial zoned land at Raupare Road, Hastings. The site has a 120m frontage to Omahu Road to the southwest and a 290m frontage to Raupare Road/ Thompson Road to the northeast.
The proposal for subdivision design, Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture for the property to create a total of eight lots including, five Industrial zoned lots, one Plains Production zoned lot, an access lot and a lot to vest in Council as drainage reserve. The Plains Production Zoned Lot would represent the balance of the land, located to the rear of the site off Raupare Road and contain the existing dwelling and ancillary buildings.
A subdivision resource consent application and assessment of environmental effects was submitted to council in October 2018 and consent was granted in November the same year.
Subsequently, in 2021 Development Nous was engaged to undertake Resource Consent land use application, survey set out of Lot 1 for Bay Tyres.
Date 2016 to 2021
Location Corner of Omahu Road and Raupare Road, Hastings
Development Nous - Planning, Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, NCSES (Soil), Preliminary Geotehcnical
Geosciences - NCSES Contaminated Land Assessment