Matthew Holder
Director/ Principal Planner
Matthew is a Town Planner with over 29 years of experience in the resource management, environmental and town planning industry.
Matthew’s background retains a particular emphasis on providing advice with respect to Resource Consents, Environmental Impact Assessments, District Plan Policy and sustainable Urban Design. In doing so, he provides strong robust and innovative solutions to Resource Management issues and is well respected in doing so, regularly appearing in Council Hearings and when required the Land Arbitration Court, Environment Court and the High Court as an expert witness. Matthew is a Certified Independent Commissioner for RMA Hearings on Resource Management Act matters.
His experience includes: expert evidence for the Crown Law office, involvement in land development matters throughout New Zealand, Commercial and Industrial greenfield and brownfield development (including wind farms, wineries, meat processing plants, large format retailing, and tourism activities) coastal development matters (i.e/ Coastal Erosion and the NZ Coastal Policy Statement considerations), rural and residential subdivision, air discharges and wastewater discharges. This experience also encompasses District and Regional Plan Policy formation, network utility designations under both the Resource Management Act and Local Government Act, cultural impacts assessments and applications for sites of significance (i.e./ waahi tapu, and historic buildings) under the NZ Historic Places Heritage Act and National Policy Statements (NES- Soil Contamination and NZ Coastal Policy Statement).