Happy Jacks Road, Mahanga, Mahia
Development Nous Limited was approached to undertake a Resource Consent application for a non-complying scheme of coastal residential subdivision and associated landuse consent at 2 Happy Jacks Road, Mahanga, Mahia.
The DNL Planning, Survey, Landscape Architectural and Civil Engineering teams were tasked with subdividing the 5.36ha coastal property into four allotments. Wairoa District Council granted the consent in June 2020. The scheme successfully addressed a range of coastal hazard, visual impact and general land constraints arising from the topography and coastal location to achieve delegated consent approval.
A further non-complying application was undertaken in 2021 to subdivide the larger balance lot, Lot 4, of the previous approved scheme into 2 lots to create an additional coastal residential opportunity. Like the original application, the creation of the peninsula lot and associated development rights addressed the potential Natural Hazards and Coastal Hazards affecting the application site (flooding, erosion, subsidence, slippage, inundation), and also required a Landscape Visual Assessment. Wairoa District Council approved resource consent for the additional lot in August 2022.
Development Nous prepared and managed all aspects of the resource consent application for the project.
Date 2018 to 2022
Location Happy Jacks Road, Mahanga
Development Nous - Planning, Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering
EMS - On-site Effluent Management
Prof. Freeman Cook - Waste Water Specialist